The first Release Candidate (RC) of ParanoidAndroid 3.0 is out. The team behind the popular custom ROM are now rolling out the newer version of Paranoid ROM to selected devices. Nexus 4 (Mako) and Galaxy Nexus GSM (Maguro) are the first of the eligible devices. More devices, including Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300, will follow soon of course. Based on AOSP 4.2.1, the PA 3.0 ROM brings lots of new features and enhancements in the newer version.

What’s New in Paranoid Android 3.0 ROM
Pie panels are centered and glide right under your thumb, don’t stretch in landscape
New pie default colors (holo) for disabled per-app-color
Screenshot option
New statusbar icons (dont look “washed out” anymore)
New bootanimation
Unlockpattern cut off is gone
IME is themable
MMS black on black fix
Pie without search agent should be fixed
PAPrefs has been polished for easier use (still much to do)
PAC support for bluetooth icon
(Mako) Perfect kernel calibration, made one extra for pa
(Mako) Autobrightness is adjusted for it
(Mako) Fart vibration for on-touch is gone
Tons of optimizations under the hood
While these features certainly look cool, one of the big omissions is the battery percentage in Parandoid Android ROM. The Team have promised to make Battery% available in next version of the ROM.
You can now download and install Paranoid ROM 3.0 on Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4. Users of other devices still have to wait.
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